Not engage in any unlawful or unethical activity or be a party to any transaction or relationship which might bring myself, my organisation(s), or SAPVIA and/or its members into disrepute.
Attain and maintain an appropriate level of knowledge and skill to enable myself/company representative to effectively execute our role and responsibilities.
Act with due care, skill and diligence in the performance and execution of my installations and related activities and be accountable for my actions and decisions.
Remain accountable at all times for my role and the execution of responsibilities, even when these are delegated.
Furthermore, I acknowledge that failure to observe any of the above might result in termination of my PV GreenCard membership.
SAPVIA NOW offers you the opportunity to feature your business, business services or products on this website to expose your business and make it visible to a diverse audience.
We understand that businesses may have distinct objectives, such as driving traffic to their websites, promoting specific products or services or disseminating Newsletters. The Marketplace has been designed to cater to these varied necessities effectively.
Recognising that each business’ interest and needs are unique, the Marketplace offers various packages to meet your business needs.
SAPVIA members will enjoy discounted rates to this remarkable opportunity.
Click the NEXT button to see the different packages on offer.
Package 1: SAPVIA Website High Rise x Size 120(w) & 600(h) x 1-month = R20 000
Package 2: SAPVIA Website The Tower x Size 300(w) & 600(h) x 1-month = R30 000
Package 3: SAPVIA and PV GreenCard Website High Rise x Size 120(w) & 600(h) x 1-month = R35 000
Package 4: SAPVIA and PV GreenCard Website The Tower x Size 300(w) & 600(h) x 1-month = R45 000
Monthly extensions at R10 000 per month
15% discount applicable to SAPVIA Members.
Should you wish to take up the offer please click the APPLY button to access the application form.